Tuesday, November 23, 2010

the good and the bad

I think this nightly routine of making breakfast ahead of time motivates me, in terms of waking up early. I got out of bed even before my alarm screeched its sweet little melody into my ear ( or for my roommate to hear). I always feel so bad because I end up dropping something or tripping as I stumble around in the dark. So this time, I just grabbed everything I needed and headed out the door. I don't think I woke her up or at least she didn't mention any sleep disturbances, whew.

I went on a run this morning around campus.. however I wasn't feeling too well for about the first 2 miles and on top of that, my knee was bothering me again. So I decided to do intervals of jogging for 3 minutes and walking for 1 minute. I felt a little better with the walking but I was still irritated by my knee. Then it started to feel a little hot to the touch and looked a little red so I ended up returning to campus. So this morning's run was a failure. But when I got back to my room, my knee pain was gone..how annoying! Sigh, I'll definitely be resting this week, maybe cross train to see how my knee's doing.

 So if I had such a bad run, why do I look so happy and why am I giving a "thumbs up?" (Sorry for the post-run look)
Because of this jar of goooodness! (Greek yogurt, banana & pear slices - put together last night then added  Kashi whole grain flakes, flax seed and a little bit of almond butter in the morning) This is what I'm talking about, ah motivation! ;)

Off to my class now and will be on my way home soon -
looking forward to reuniting with the amigos! :)

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