Tuesday, December 14, 2010


After being such a bum around the house, I decided to do my 5-miler today....until I realized how windy it was outside. I ran down my street and by the time I turned the corner, I had to stop...it was so hard to breathe with the cold wind blowing in my face. I also had difficulty balancing myself with all the wind in all directions....so I turned back to go home. how sad. But when I got home, I ended up making myself a green smoothie instead..

  • 2 1/2 cups of spinach
  • 5 strawberries
  • 1 banana
  • 1 cup of water
For dinner, I made my parents sujebi (Korean gnocchi, kinda); made a puree with strawberries and spinach (in order to make sure they get their vitamins ;] ) then worked that into the 'gnocchi' dough. For the soup, I threw in potatoes, carrots, onions, zucchini, and kelp. I also made jjajang rice for my brother.....I always forget to take pictures whenever I'm cooking Korean food. I'll make sure to get some in next time.

For myself, I wasn't too hungry after the green smoothie so I threw another spinach salad together with some avocado and tomatoes + lemon & olive oil. Then I also made rutabaga fries......
Used this to spice up my already spicy rutabaga fries (it was gift from my roommate!)

Sweet & spicy....I loved those so much. I'm definitely ditching mr. potato for some rutabaga loving. Then...for dessert...I stayed simple.

Stay warm!

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