Saturday, November 20, 2010

coconute h2o

I should be relaxing at home - but I'm drowning in piles of books and documents to analyze, with finals coming up and all. This morning I woke up to go on a run, and it felt great to go on my old running route. The weather wasn't too bad either, just a little windy. I ran on an empty stomach - but I wasn't bothered by it at all because by the time I returned home, I felt great! I didn't want anything too heavy but had to fuel so I decided to blend what I had on hand for a smoothie :) Here's what I managed to gather up -

  • scoop of whey vanilla protein powder
  • 1/2 cup of fresh cranberries
  • 1 banana
  • 1/2 coconut water
  • 1 tbs raw organic cacao nibs
  • 1/2 cup of ice
  • 1 tbs raw coconut flakes

It's been a while since I've made a smoothie but this really hit the spot and satisfied my sweet tooth for the morning. I showered and ran some errands, decided to stop by Fresh Market. I really wished we had Whole Foods here though. I bought several items for some snacking and a few to make lunch later in the day. I'm such a slow shopper when it comes to groceries, I look through every perimeter of the store until I finally figure out what I want. And plus, it's fun :)

So after spending about 45 minutes? or maybe close to an hour, in the store - I managed to walk out of there with....

  • fresh mozzarella 
  • brie cheese
  • 0% Chobani (vanilla, plain - 3 of each)
  • whole grain boule
  • coconut oil
  • basil
  • jar of sun dried tomatoes
  • and......zico coconut water
I couldn't wait until I got home - so I took a sip in the car.

 I was pretty happy with the product - it has a stronger and a sweeter taste than any of the other coconut water products I've tasted - I think it's just a little too sweet for my taste, I actually prefer Vita Coco. However, it won't hurt to try Zico - if you'd like to try something a little sweeter. I've yet to try the 'pomberry' one, maybe tomorrow morning? I have Vita Coco stocked up and I usually use it for smoothies (like this morning) or for quick hydration when I'm on the run. I probably won't be purchasing Zico again..the 2 for $4 sign lured me in :p

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