Hi! My name is Rebecca, and
I'm a student at University of Mary Washington.
I'm a student at University of Mary Washington.
Growing up as a young kid, I've always had an abnormally huge appetite - whatever was put in front of me, it was instantly devoured and savored. And never was I a picky eater - if it was edible, I gladly ate up. During my pre-teen years, I began to experiment with ingredients with the little knowledge I had through watching Foodnetwork shows. Although those in-the-kitchen moments were always cut short due to family meals, school, homework, and extra curricular activities, I still managed to build up my love for food. Along with cooking up my own dishes, I began to track down restaurants that people have been raving about, in order to find out for myself if they were the real deal (you will see restaurant reviews get posted once in a while here, and you'll recognize them if you're familiar with the DC/NOVA/Hampton Roads area).
In the last three years however, I've developed an immense passion for health and nutrition. This made me rethink my eating habits and make small changes in my life. However, being that tremendous food lover since birth and learning that quality does matter - I ended up falling in love with whole and natural ingredients instead. Now I'm in that rut again; juggling classes, studying sessions, school work, social life, family, and fitness. Between all of these, I continue to recreate dishes without the need of a kitchen.
I try my best to make better food choices - choosing the option to fuel my body with real, natural foods rather than heavily processed foods with artificial ingredients. I do indulge into treats once in a while, as long as it's prepared well and is worth it. Through this blog I hope to present to you my daily eats, scrumptious recipes, and the everyday happenings of an "average" female college student. My final words are that - make smart choices when it comes to food, but if it doesn't taste good to you - no matter how healthy it may be, don't eat it.

Bon Appétit!
"The wise man should consider that health is the greatest
of human blessings. Let food be your medicine's"
– Hippocrates